Black Girls Code

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Take this opportunity to really think about what you can see yourself doing in five years.

Hey there!

My name is Kim R. Emery, and I’m excited about this opportunity to encourage young people to start thinking about their future. I know it can be overwhelming when thinking about what you want to be when you grow up. Trust me, I have been in your shoes. But don’t let the future frighten you. Take this opportunity to really think about what you can see yourself doing in five years. Ask yourselves, do you want to be in college working on a future career that will help you change the trajectory of your lives as well as the lives of others? This can be that very moment, and I don’t want you to take this decision lightly. 

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine you are doing a job you love in the future. It could be anything you set your hearts desire too. You could be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, astronaut, teacher, singer, actor/actress, sports, or the CEO of a fortune 500 company. Whatever the dream, now is where it starts. The road to anything worthwhile is hard work. You cannot get around it. I knew a girl who said she wanted to be a computer programmer and work for IBM. She went to college but didn’t study hard at all. In fact, while we were in the college library studying, she was out partying with all the fun people. When it came time for her to take her tests, she cheated. She graduated from college and got a job. Not with IBM, but with another good company. We were all happy that we all got jobs and started making good money. But my friend ended up getting fired from her job because she did not know what she was doing. The moral to this story is that you have to prepare for the future you want. There are no easy roads that lead to success. If she had studied instead of partying, she would be in her dream job today. 

I want each and every one of you to do your best and focus on your future. You can do whatever it takes to get to where you want to be. Do not let anyone tell you it can’t be done because I am proof that dreams do come true. It is up to you. You got this. 

- Kim.

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