Utilizing my knowledge and skills daily.
Hey there TechDiva!
My name is Prabha and I am a Sr. Manager in the Business Information Security Office. I grew up in India in a lower middle class family with substandard living but highest standards of values. I was the youngest of four siblings and while education was treated as priority, girls clearly did not receive the same attention when it came to prioritizing career over household. I was a rebel to start with and at the age of four I actually participated in an all-boys only religious ceremony because it really meant agreeing to committing a life of yogic principles. I recall shaving my head with my brothers as a symbol of letting go of external looks for the higher search of wisdom.
I graduated with a double major bachelor's degree in computer science and Education by nineteen. I was always in a rush to get a career given I had seen most women having less choices but eventually getting married early and living their life only raising a family. I wanted more, so I knew I had to maintain focus and prove myself early. Although I got married at 20, by that time I had a technical degree and 1+ years of experience as a programmer.
I moved to the USA in 2002 and did not have a work permit for a few years. I never stopped working or learning though. I trained myself in anything I could get hands on, be it art or writing or new technologies.
Once I had a work permit, I rebuilt myself from ground up after having 2 kids and a primary parent for them. Today, I have almost 20 years of experience under my belt through various industries, wearing multiple hats but what I cherish most is being the mother I am. I bring my knowledge and skill everyday to my team and peers to make Verizon and the world a little better everyday.
I share my journey so you can get inspired and know that if I can, so can you. You can reach me via LinkedIn for any questions.
Wish you the best and can't wait to see all the transformation you are here to lead.