Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.
Hey there TechDiva!
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.
I didn’t think I was the “math” type - I always had thought I liked words better than numbers. I didn’t do well in high school math and science, and consequently I didn’t like it. I wasn’t motivated to excel in school at the time. I went on to a liberal arts college and worked full time locally to pay for school.
For an elective I took a Computer Science class, and everything changed. I was inspired in this new cyber world - learning new ideas and languages was so fun. Creating programs was exciting and fun. I wound up graduating with Computer Science and Math Bachelor of Science degree and never have looked back. I still enjoy working with people to solve problems, and that’s what STEM is all about!
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. You CAN do math and science - it’s for everyone!
Go be the person you were meant to be, and do what inspires and motivates you, and be open minded - you can do and you can be whatever and whoever you set your mind to. Go for it! Make your way and fulfill your dreams.
Best to you!