Black Girls Code

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Endless possibilities.

Hey there!

I’m so happy you are considering choosing a career in STEM.  As a kid I loved to take things apart and put them back together to figure out how they worked. I didn’t realize until later that this was the behavior of someone who was curious and a problem solver which goes well with a STEM career.  I also loved roller coasters and decided I wanted to be the one who designed them. 

This is where my journey with a STEM career started.  In high school, I loved science, especially physics and the experiments we did in class, and decided I was going to be a physicist. Once I got to college I decided to major in Mechanical Engineering to give myself more options on the job market. 

While in college, I interned during the summer at General Motors and worked in one of their test labs. One summer I also worked for the government and did research on the causes of car crashes.  Once I graduated I had several job offers and ultimately chose to work for Verizon and have had the opportunity to work on many new technologies that enable our customers and the community to live and work better. 

There are so many options and paths to a career in technology, this is just one example. I hope that you are inspired to learn more about what you can do and know that it’s possible for you to do it.

Let your Black Girl Magic shine!


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