Black Girls Code

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Be a Leader.

Hey there!

My message is simple: representation and diversity is vital to the greatness of this Country. As you’re in school you learn so many things. The moments we spend in school we learn about how to adapt and socialize, and we learn about what we like and don’t like. I urge you to be bold and try to do things that seem not as easy. What you will get to learn is sometimes the things others tell you are hard, are just hard for them because they haven’t made the decision to try to learn them. STEM is such an incredibly important decision that will be rewarding. Sometimes Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math is confused with being the hardest things. They are actually the easiest things for a better future. Learning these things will allow you to do anything you choose to do, and guarantee that you will always have a secure future. Not only that but it will make you feel incredibly good about yourself, and that you were willing to branch out and do something that many before you didn’t have the tools to do. You have such an amazing opportunity to learn the things that so many before you wish they could do. So, I pause you now where so many of us before you had the opportunity to make such an important decision. The future is shaping for not those that know technology, but those that mastered it. Not for those that know math and science but those that have mastered it. If you are one of those that take the time now to learn how to master it. Then you have indeed mastered not just being okay but being successful. As a black woman, I do urge all women to learn this sector. I also know the huge discrepancy in women of color having the tools for a multitude of reasons to be able to be included in this field and not an outlier in this field. So in this country we all need to be included, and we need to make the effort to put ourselves in the areas where we have not been plentiful. Us doing this allows the very important job of allowing us to show others that it can be done, and that indeed there is nothing that we cannot do if we believe it can be done. I realize that there are always situations that make it hard, but realize that nothing good comes too easy. No matter what is going down or what gets in your way, when it is important, always find time everyday to study. I say that as someone that has a very busy day, I still have applied myself to learning new things with school. I always find that extra hour or two, and put it towards my study. The reason I do it isn’t because I wouldn’t love to do other things that are temporarily fun, all the time. I do it because I know when I get these things done, it will allow me to do things that are fun for the duration of life.  Please know that every step of the way, someone is cheering you on. That every step of the way in this field, that someone is looking at you to shine the light so that others can take what you’ve learned and follow your success because we’re so very proud of you. Please, let nothing ever block your success in this Age of Technology. Be a Leader. 

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