Black Girls Code

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Never give up.

Hey there!

My name is Renise Taylor I am a supervisor in customer service.  I am so excited to hear about your program.  

I hear what your program is for people who have special gifts and talents in technology, science and math.  Evidently your skill set has put you on such a special journey which will allow you to make a difference in this world.  

Consistency and seems to be a challenge in my workspace, so I would say stay true to the tasks before you, never give up and accept it as a new norm inorder to be successful and you will get there.  Also, positivity is a must in order to keep the right energy flowing…”you super power”!

I suggest don’t be stuck on color, your gift will make room for you, so let your talent speak for you.  Like our prior President always stated…”yes we CAN”!!

Take care and God Bless YOU!!


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