Black Girls Code

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I just wanted to let you know how important you are to the future.

Hello Beautiful!

I'm Taylor and I work for Verizon Wireless. I just wanted to let you know how important you are to the future. You are in a world that will try to dim you down and stop you from shining but you can’t let that happen. You are meant to shine as bright as the brightest star! Choosing a career in STEM is not easy but it is necessary. We need representation everywhere and a great mind like yours deserves all the knowledge ahead of you. Be resilient, be brave, be bold, be whatever you want but most importantly be yourself. Do not contort yourself to fit into spaces that are far too small for you or blend when you are meant to stand out! This road will not be easy but it will be worth it. You will change the world for many generations to come. I am rooting for you! We are all rooting for you! I hope you remember that when you’re struggling in a class when you don't get a job, when you're in the face of adversity. No matter what is happening and no matter where you are. You have an invisible audience cheering you on. We are here even if you are feeling alone. You don't have to do it by yourself. I am proud of you. You are so smart and beautiful. Believe in yourself and the rest of it will come together.

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