Top 5 Study Tips.

1. Time Management 

Get your free time under control now will help prepare you for managing time to study. Start a using a daily planner, it could a hard copy of a planner or digital with a Calendar on your phone or web.

2. Good Study Habits 

  • Always be prepared for class, attend as much as possible 

  • Complete assignments thoroughly and in a timely manner 

  • Review notes daily rather than cram for test the night before 

  • Set aside quiet time each day for study

3. Always Take Notes 

You can't possibly write down everything the teacher says; however, you do need to write down the important material. Studying with a partner is also a good idea. Note-taking should be in a form that's most helpful to you. If you're more of a visual person, try writing notes on different colored index cards.

4. Motivation 

You need to be motivated to learn and work hard, whether or not you like a specific subject or teacher. Self-motivation can be extremely important when you aren't particularly excited about a class. If you must, view it as an obstacle you must overcome.

5. Commitment 

Once you start a course, you will need to complete it. Do your best and attempt to get the most out of it.  Your commitment will pay off in the end.

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Here are some best practices that helped me.


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