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Quality vs quantity

Hey there!

Larry here from Verizon! I have some study tips & tricks, I’d like to share, that have worked for me. Keep in mind it’s very important you are always using provided material or credible sources when studying or doing research. Make sure to check with a teacher and learn what qualifies as a credible source.

Find a way that works for you when memorizing the information you are learning and reading. Flash cards, post it notes, and rewriting in a notebook are some methods that have worked for me when trying to learn something specific. Usually something that involves repetition and something you can reference back to.

Another thing that has worked for me is not overloading and making sure, especially the night before taking a test or presenting information, to get good sleep and wake up refreshed. Getting quality study time vs quantity of study time can be very important at times.

Good luck in your studies and your future careers!

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