Black Girls Code

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This is your time to shine.

Hey there!

I am so excited to be taking part in this activity during Black History Month. Black Girl Code goal - to position students to secure high-powered career positions in the growing technology sector, creating a pathway for them to become the future leaders and innovators in the technology field is progressive and insightful.

Please take advantage of this opportunity that you have. Please absorb all that you are exposed to and one day you too will be able to give back.

You may have possibly watched Hidden Figures and finally a black female named Katherine Johnson helped calculate the measurement to help get the astronaut to the moon. She is also the first female scientist to work for NASA. This is your time to shine. We are hidden figures no more.

Please be sure to listen in school and at home. Take time to do your homework and if you don’t understand - get help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Speak up and ask questions, The world is yours. Take charge and always be respectful.

I wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

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