Keep working hard.

Hey there!

As a fellow STEM professional, here are some study tips that helped me through school.

First off, you want to make sure you stay organized. Whether that is with a full on planner, a wall calendar, or writing things down on sticky notes and putting them around your desk, it is important to write down important assignment dates. I also found writing daily tasks down and crossing them off as I got them done helpful.

Next, find a method of note taking that works for you and try to stick to it. Sometimes with different classes, different note taking strategies would work better, but typically the Cornell method is universal (write your topic at the top, main ideas on the left hand side, notes on the right, and a summary at the bottom). If you are going to take notes, it is important that you go over them by rereading and highlighting important areas.

Finally, the most important thing you could do is keep your area organized, this includes your notes and other study materials. When everything is messy and chaotic in my work area, I find it harder to focus and get tasks done. It may be one of the more obvious tips, but it still holds a lot of importance.

Good Luck and keep working hard


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You will find a way to push through.


Honored to be of help.