Keep in mind with great rewards comes hard work and dedication.

Hey there!

Greeting and salutations to you. I hope you’re having a fantastic day. I would like to take the moment to congratulate you on your STEM career. Along your journey you may come across a few roadblocks such as lack of confidence, fear of failure, fear of success, perfectionism, inertia, and just plain feeling stuck. There are a few things to keep in mind if your faces with these roadblocks. A) Begin with the end in sight, meaning keep in mind the goal you want to accomplish and hold tight to it and keep moving forward. B) Find yourself a Battle Buddy (a person you can lean on for support and encouragement when times get rough). This person can be family, a like minded individual, a coach, a teacher, or a friend. I’ll close out this letter wishing and hoping nothing but the best for you. Keep in mind with great rewards comes hard work and dedication. 

See you at the top,

Andrew Raymond

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A career in any STEM field is definitely worth pursuing!


Consider all the possibilities.