Challenge: Show the world what you can do.

Hey there TechDiva!

My name is Maris. I’ve been working at Verizon for almost 20 years. I majored in psychology in college, thinking that I would become a guidance counselor or something along those lines. I never would have guessed that I would end up working for a technology company, but I’m so glad that I did.

Here is a little background into my career history. My first job at Verizon was in a retail store where I greeted customers and showed them where to go to get their questions answered. From there, I moved into customer service, sales and then management. After about five years working in the stores, I got promoted to the training department. I trained our new employees & managers and did a lot of project management. I have worked in the technology space, providing connected (IoT) solutions to cities and towns and I’m currently in the data analytics department.

I hope you don’t mind if I share some of the things that I have learned throughout my career.

Believe in yourself. I realize that this is one of those things that is easier said than done, but it can be a real game changer. Over the course of my career, the hardest challenge for me to overcome was not someone else doubting something I could do, but when I questioned myself and my own abilities. Remember, no one expects perfection 100% of the time. You’ve got this!!

Build your network. You are an amazing person. Some people will recognize that right away, others may take some time. When you meet people who can see your value, keep in touch with them. You never know what the future brings. I have always been a hard worker and passionate about whatever job I’m in. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to apply for a role that I had limited experience in. When the hiring manager asked me to share more information about myself, I was able to provide him with five recommendation letters, all from different people on different teams. Those letters are not what got me the job, but they boosted the confidence of the hiring manager as well as my own confidence that I would be successful in the role. I bet you can already guess that I consistently exceeded my sales targets every month!

The world needs different perspectives, opinions and thoughts to move forward. This includes you!! You are unique, smart, driven and can accomplish the things you put your mind to. I’m challenging you to step out of your comfort zone and show the world what you can do. I believe in you!!

Best Regards,


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F.A.I.L (First Attempt In Learning).