Don’t be afraid to break things!

Hey there!

My name is Casey and I am a Business Operations Support manager at Verizon. I have always been interested in coding and writing programs, since I was a little girl in elementary school (back before Windows and personal computers were a thing, can you believe it?!!!) using a keyboard attached to a little TV/Computer adapter on a little TV. Times have changed A LOT, but programming and coding are still a passion of mine (when I get the time, anyway). I am so happy to be able to support the next generation of female coders!! Here are some tips I can offer, just based on my experience:

  • Get familiar with different programming languages - I found some I could pick up much easier than others. Learning different languages also helps me see the similarities between them. This will help you to be well rounded and in demand,

  • Don’t be afraid to break things! Play around with code, write it, break it, and figure out how to fix it - work on ideas that interest you most to stay engaged.

  • Type out code by hand - it’s easy these days to just copy/paste snippets of code to create what you need, but to really REMEMBER and get good at it, typing it out by hand will really reinforce how the code works and the structure needed.

  • Debugger is your friend! No one writes the perfect code on the first try (or second, or 100th even). Some programs take years to develop, so don’t get discouraged! 

I hope you continue learning and developing and HAVING FUN at the same time!

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Technology is always evolving.