Don’t let anyone stand in your way.
Hey there!
So I wanted to reach out and send my encouragement to enter a tech field. As a tech professional, it’s fun, interesting and challenging. And let’s just face it, the future is tech.
I work in a creative field but we interact with tech every day and my college education has been a key success in my career. In the course of your pursuit, you’re going to run into a lot of barriers. Some of those could involve anything from the color of your skin to the personal sexual preference.
Please don’t let that discourage you.. the world needs more tech and most importantly the world needs the best version of you. I promise you, from someone who went through a lot of struggles and personal hardship, things will get better. You can’t choose who you love or the color of your skin, but you CAN choose to not let anyone stand in your way in the pursuit of your dreams and that will make all the difference in your life.