Meant for you.

Hey there!

First thing I would like to say is how much black girls rock!!!!  I know this because I was raised by one of the most incredible women in the world….my mother.   She was single with 3 boys and trust me when I say we were quite a handful.  But despite all the challenges she faced, despite the numerous times that the world tried to dim her star, she always stayed focused on making sure her sons were educated, respectful, and contributed something to the world that helped make a difference.  These were her goals and we are all grown ups now with our own families.  None of us have ever spent any time in prison, we have no felonies, and we are all educated.   Seeing her boys grow up to be respectable members of the community was always her goal.   She is no longer with us but her love and smile keep me motivated  daily.  I wanted to share that with you because you too have the strength to overcome anything the world puts in your path.  You are more than special, you are a Queen and the most important task you have in life is to carry yourself as such.  Never let anyone tell you something can’t be done,  never set limits because you have none, If at any time you feel that you failed at anything treat it as a learning experience, pick yourself up and give it another go.  My mother was my hero. She showed me that you can truly have nothing and have everything you need.  She taught me that my strength comes from the values she instilled in me.  Because of this you are also my hero.  Be great because it is what is meant for you!!!

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Stay positive, stay committed.