Path to success.

Hey there!


WHAT IS STEM -> STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) has been a powerful engine of prosperity in the US since World War II.

You are on a great path to success. 

Success in STEM requires both technical and non-technical skills and dispositions. Curiosity, the ability to think logically and creatively in problem-solving, communication skills and the ability to work in teams are all required to succeed in STEM careers. Mathematics and science knowledge are an important base for all STEM workers. Students are inspired in STEM subjects beginning in the middle school grades with coursework and extracurricular activities focusing on honing problem-solving skills in the high school grades. After high school, STEM career requirements are more specific to the specific occupations.

By being a part of the elite group of scholars you are improving the image of Science.      You find Science every day in the real world. In the news, in your everyday life it literally can be linked to anything you love.

 Some great motivations

  • Science Image- many people perceive science to be something tough and negative.  

  • Be a positive role model.

  • It's Fun

  • Connect it to everyday life.  

  • Provides opportunities.  

It’s not hard… focus on the effort, not ‘talent’ or the grades.  It will be helpful to your future and future career.

 Good luck …


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