You will be highly valued.

Hey There!

It’s awesome that you’re thinking about coding, it’s one of the most interesting career paths out there today! A lot of important innovations such as AI (Artificial Engineering), Robotics. and the new IPhone or Android are all built on amazing and innovative code! Not only will you have the opportunity to contribute to the innovation of these technologies, you’ll also be able to create new ones? Imagine yourself being the inventor of a new phone, a new game, a new machine or the next big company! Nothing can run without good software. 

If coding isn’t your main interest, there are numerous STEM careers like medicine, engineering, biotechnology, astrophysics, etc. Space Exploration, Curing Cancer, or building the next great machine are just a few of the things that you can achieve! Each of these fields is integral to the survival and evolution of the human race. No matter what happens in the world, these jobs and these roles will always be extremely important and valuable. 

STEM or science fields are amazing because of how important the people who work in those fields are. By choosing a STEM career, you will be highly valued, be very successful and very important regardless of what you decide to do.

I hope some of these words encourage you to choose a STEM career, and remember that the options I’ve listed above are just scratching the surface!

You can do almost anything you want in STEM, so go ahead and be great!

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