Be Authentic.
Hey There!
What an amazing time we live in! Technology is growing faster than ever imagined and will continue to move the world forward. This letter is intended to bestow some key things I’ve learned to help you succeed in a STEM World!
With the world changing literally every minute, being a curious learner is more important than ever! Never stop asking questions or spending time learning something new. It’s also important to realize that each person learns new things differently. Individualize your approach! Some learn from books, others videos and some from hands on. You do you, girl!
STEM careers are the most exciting as they put you in the driver’s seat to change the world! I’ve heard women mention a fear of STEM due to math requirements. There is no need to be afraid of math. The whole world is a math problem waiting to be solved. Think of each problem as a math problem. For example, You want to earn an A in a class. You would need to evaluate your current grade, what would need to be true to move to an A and then set a percentage on future assignments to earn that goal. It’s a puzzle that can be used to set a goal and achieve success.
I can’t wait for all the things you’ll create that will forever change the world. All the best ideas started as Crazy Ideas. Be Bold. Be Authentic. Be Amazing!
Best wishes!