Black Girls Code

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You will go on to do great things.

Hey There!

My name is Aaron and I am a Finance manager at Verizon. 

I wanted to take a moment and share some encouragement as you embark in school and eventually a career surrounding STEM. You have a phenomenal foundation of your studies that allows you to solve problems, see solutions from a different angle, create better processes, and great leadership skills. You may not  know it now, but I can assure you that you have opened the door to many different opportunities and careers. I come from an engineering family (my dad, 2 Uncles, Aunt, Brother, and Sister-in-law) all are in the engineering field. I took a slightly different career path, though still rooted in STEM, in Finance. All that said, I have a deep appreciation for the knowledge that you have and will continue to gain, and I can attest how transferable the knowledge is that you have. You will go on to do great things. Keep climbing and aspiring as you move through your life! You are part of a bright new generation. 

Take Care,


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