Passion with a purpose.

Hello Future Female Leader of the Universe,

You are making such a huge difference in the world today with all of your contributions to the world today and please know how awesome you are to everyone around you.   When thinking about your future and both personal and professional dreams and aspirations, please know that you have so limitless options to begin thinking about what you would like to do when you grow up.  The options are limitless when you think about a future career in STEM are so encouraging and allows you so many different and exciting career fields to choose from.  These different career options will allow you to pursue career options to so many other fields and gives you the ability to diversify into many other fields. 

Please know that you will be considering so many other options to decide what will be the best field, please also think about a career that allows you to 1 – Be In It to Win It, 2 – Put Your Best Foot Forward, and 3 – Have a Passion with a Purpose.  You have options such as becoming a scientist, a physician, an engineer or even going into space as an astronaut.  You can even become your very own Boss and create a business of your very own that allows us to use your wonderful skills as a STEM educated woman leader.  Don’t ever let anyone stop you from being AWESOME and know that the only true limit that you have is yourself.  There may be some obstacles or roadblocks but know that you can overcome them all.  Keep being AMAZING and the wonderful and fabulous young woman that you are.  You are appreciated for all you do and know that your star is shining brightly!  Thanks again for being a role model for the next future generation of young ladies!  YOU ARE SIMPLY OUTSTANDING!!!

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Nothing can stop you.


Accomplish all your dreams.