Learn to better yourself.
Hey there!
I am JoLin Bailey and I am a tech for Verizon. I help everyone who calls in to work through any issues on their device and service.
I was one that started out with Verizon not wanting to do anything but normal customer service for Verizon because I did not consider myself a “techy” person but I decided, “NO!! and that I can do anything no matter what and will learn to be great at it all” I was a very hard tradition but now I absolutely love it and get such a great feeling when I have solved a problem, especially 1 that has not been fixed by several other reps.
You can do it! No matter what you think your skills are.. think of it as a new skill you will learn to better yourself. The confidence will come if you commit and do it!
I am excited to see what you all will do going forward.