Black Girls Code

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Ask for help and support.

Hello Future STEM Leader!

I hope this letter finds you inspired and full of hope!!  First, I want to start by saying how proud I am that you are interested in coding!  I graduated from Rutgers School of Engineering many years ago.   I was nervous going into a STEM field but I am so happy I did.   There wasn’t a lot of support for women in STEM when I was in school.  I remember the ratio of males to females was 15:1.  There were 3 girls in my graduating class.  When I see how many girls are interested in STEM today, it makes me feel so hopeful for our future.   There is a bright future in coding.  Think about all the future products and services that require coding.  With 5G technology in its infancy, the possibilities to create products that require this advanced technology are unlimited.  We need coders.  We need female coders because at the end of the day, we need women to be part of how we are transforming the world.  

Be inspired, be confident in your abilities, ask for help and support, and never be afraid to be the BEAUTIFUL AND SMART YOU that you are already!!!

Good luck in all your future endeavors!  You got this!!


A big fan of yours

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