Black Girls Code

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The experience will be invaluable.

Hey there!

My name is Johnny Babusci, and I am a Project Manager for Verizon Wireless. Along with working full-time, I am the father of two daughters and a son. I am always encouraging them to attend any STEM courses available at school because those courses will be essential to the careers available when they become adults. I’m glad you are interested in coding and other STEM courses because the experience will be invaluable!

I am a full-time college student. Working full-time and being a parent can make it difficult for me to find the time to work on assignments and research papers. The best advice I can give you about school and studying is always to keep your goals in mind. When I am tired or feel overwhelmed by the amount of schoolwork I need to get done, I always take a moment, think about my long-term goals, and it motivates me to keep pushing forward. Another piece of advice that I can offer about studying and going to school would be to set smart goals. Make sure that your goals are specific and that they are something that you can measure. It’s also vital that a short-term goal is something achievable. Setting goals that aren’t attainable can make you feel like you are not making progress, so set achievable goals. Setting goals relevant to your overall, long-term goals are also important. It’s crucial to figure out what you are passionate about and set some long-term goals about the career you want to pursue or what you want to do in the future. Always ensure that your short-term goals are relevant to what you are passionate about your long-term goals.

Thank you, and good luck in the future!

John Babusci

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