Black Girls Code

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Break barriers.

Hey there!

I am writing this letter to tell you how proud I am of you.  You are making a difference in the world by pursuing your passion for coding, and that is something to be celebrated.  The world needs more girls like you!  You are breaking barriers and defying stereotypes.

I know the tech industry can be very intimidating and can often feel unwelcoming, but please do not let that discourage you.  When I started, I was learning Geography in university.  I loved learning about the planet, urbanization and studied about how to help the environment.  However, I didn’t know where this would take me.  In my second year I felt a little lost.  But then in my last year of university I learned a lot about maps and I fell in LOVE.  They fascinated me.  I had taken a class on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and discovered ways it is used to visualize spatial data by different business sectors.  After university, I wanted to pursue my career in digital mapping and am certified as a GIS Specialist.  In this program there were 42 boys and only 19 girls, so it was VERY intimidating.  But I loved learning more and the rest of the girls and I motivated each other and worked well together to be successful in completing the program.  From there I got a job with a company that mapped roads around the city using GPS attached to a car.  We made roadmaps for car navigation. This was the most fun job I ever had!  And now, I am working for a company with works with navigation for large trucks.  So as you can see, I didn’t give up on my dreams.  Even though I felt really lost in what I wanted to do and wasn’t sure this field would be right for me as a girl in technology, I am doing something I really love.  I remember at first I felt so scared coming into my first technology job because I felt everyone was way smarter than me.  But after a while, I realized that I had my own strengths and knowledge to share that others didn’t have.  So I encourage you to realize your own uniqueness and I know your ideas, creativity and imagination will bring valuable diversity to this industry.  You may face challenges along the way, but believe in your ability to overcome them and remember, you are not alone.  Reach out to communities and connect with other like-minded individuals and seek out mentors for guidance and support. 

You are paving the way for future generations of black girls who want to learn to code and continue a path in technology and inspiring them to have the courage to take that very important step to their future.  So keep coding, keep learning and keep pushing yourself.  You have the power to change the world!  You will surprise yourself with all the amazing things you can do.

With admiration and respect,

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