Black Girls Code

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Continue to push forward for your dreams.

Hey there TechDiva!

My advice is to continue to push forward for your dreams. If possible pursue higher education. That could be through trade school, community college, technical school, or a 4-year college. The goal is to continue to enlighten your life through the passion of learning new things. To be an entrepreneur you still need to have the passion and know-how for new things, new adventures, new experiences. You owe it to yourself to go as far as life will take you.

Seek out friends that have the same goals as you. As you begin to pursue your dreams, not only will you HAVE support, you are also able TO support. It will not be easy. Anything worth having comes with challenges. But if you push through, you are rewarded with a full life, wonderful friends, and passion.

You can do this!



Program Manager, Verizon Connect

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