Inspiration and mentorship.
Hey there TechDiva!
I get it! STEM is a male-dominated area of interest and you may often find yourself feeling isolated, unheard, and unvalidated. I am here to tell you, there is HOPE!
I have worked in the technology industry for over ten years. When I first started, I was a temporary employee for one of the nation’s largest security companies. The only women that I had any exposure to were in administrative support roles. I found inspiration and mentorship in the one female national account manager who also had a background in engineering and knew her stuff - she was resilient, bold, creative, and fearless. I loved and admired how she worked and how she held her own in rooms full of male energy where she was often questioned and dismissed - she never let it get her down.
Resilience will be key as you continue down the STEM path. There may be hurdles to overcome but never give up and never give in. Also, be reminded that there are so many career paths within the area of STEM that provide you the exposure and experience that you desire. I am a contract manager. I have always had a strong affinity for STEM subjects. In my formative years I participated in various STEM summer programs and I started my undergraduate education with a major in Biology at Howard University. Eventually, I changed my major and finished with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration and went on to Law School. I now draft and negotiate government technology contracts. Life may throw you many curve balls - you may throw yourself many curve balls - never forget your passion for STEM and remain resilient in your pursuit of excellence. Be BOLD! Boldness is critical for women in the workplace. Whether you are running your own tech company or negotiating agreements on behalf of a technology company.
Be bold in your personal and professional pursuits. There will be naysayers and you will sit at tables with people who believe you are only there to meet a requirement and not there because of your ability. Be tenacious, be authentic, be loud, be outspoken - remember to engage in active listening but also remember to be your own advocate, champion, and cheerleader. Encourage and nurture boldness in others.
Creativity is the key to the future. I am convinced that the encouragement of diversity in STEM will lead us to more creative approaches to solving problems and world-changing technological advancements. Diversity and inclusion brings to STEM differing experiences, perspectives, and exposures. Don’t be afraid to go against the grain and think outside the box. Remember “just because you’ve always done it that way, doesn’t mean you should continue doing it that way.”
Be FEARLESS! The unknown can be scary, but never allow fear to paralyze you. Be FEARLESS in your pursuits! Challenge the status quo, try something new, bring your true self to your work.
It is ok to be the diversity in the room. Be a path forger and a way maker. Resilience, boldness, creativity, and fearlessness will take you far! Remember - the future looks like YOU!
Best of luck from your friend Riki at Verizon! :-)