Black Girls Code

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Life is not fair, and don’t expect it to be.

To The Next Up and coming Black Female Trailblazers

Hello my next up and coming Rising Black Female Trailblazers!

I came from a place where I was counted out, and you may have come from that same place.

However, let no one tell you that you can’t, because they probably couldn’t do it.

I’m a father of 3 Black Female up and coming trailblazers.

I say to them since they were little

Life is not fair, and Don’t expect it to be.

To be in the room, Unfortunately you must work and strive twice as hard and at times be looked at twice as much.

As long as you understand your worth and believe in yourself, you can make things happen.

You are:

The next Oprah, The next Maya Angelo, The next Michelle Obama, The Next Queen Latina,The Next Queen Cleopatra

A little words from Black Female Trailblazers:

I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I’m changing the things I cannot accept.

Angela Davis

You don’t make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas

Shirley Chisholm

I consider myself a crayon....

I may not be your favorite color

but one day you’ll need me

to complete your picture.

Lauryn Hill

Be you. Make sure you’re saying something when you’re saying something.

It’s important to sound like you,

to feel like you,

to be like you.

Be you.

Erykah Badu

Failure is an important part of your growth

and developing resilience.

Don’t be afraid to fail.

Michelle Obama

Best Regards,

Craig Foskey

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