Black Girls Code

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Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Greetings ladies,

Walt Disney said “If you can dream it, YOU CAN DO IT.”  When it comes to studying and choosing a career in STEM (Science, Technology Engineering Mathematics) the sky's the limit. In making any dream into a reality it comes with questions, brainstorming, research and hard work.  I would suggest pacing yourself to reach your overall goal.  Set minor and attainable steps so you don’t feel overwhelmed in the long run.  

After you have mastered a set of tasks then you can go forth with the next part of your journey.  Life is like a roadmap and each of us are traveling different paths.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions.  And please do not feel afraid to ask for help.  Anyone you see that has made some type of accomplishment can also provide you with some insight into how they overcame certain obstacles and issues. In the end we all have a story to tell and share.  Moreover, don’t forget to help those around you—you never know who needs your insight or encouragement.

Many blessings and all the best,


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