Get inspired

You are necessary.
Lady of the Future,
I am so proud not only because I too, am a woman in tech, but because this role is so important. We need to elevate more women into the tech world and allow them to also have their foot print marked in history. You have chosen a field where women can be underestimated, undervalued, and sometimes even patronized. Yes, those challenges have improved, we still have a long way to go yet you still decided to take on the role of becoming a woman in tech. There's something to be said about that. So I am here to encourage you to keep going and let you know that this is just the beginning. We need you. You are important.

You are amazing!
Hi all,
I already know you are amazing! If you are thinking about a career in STEM then do it! Technology is always changing, and choosing a STEM career is a great pathway for women. The way we live, work and play is influenced every day by new technology. You need to be at the forefront of an industry which is growing rapidly. For example, more tech is not less in our lives whether it is a virtual appointment, using apps, or having a self-driving car deliver you to any place in the world.

You are enough.
Hey there!
Always remember that you are enough, and you are brilliant. Do not ever doubt your intelligence. You are just as smart, if not smarter than any males that are trying to succeed in your industry.

Start small.
Hey there!
Let me start by introducing myself. I am a woman, wife and mother. Those three titles mean everything to me. They give me purpose, pride and determination to make a difference in the world. I did not begin my career as a confident woman, but over time I have challenged myself and worked hard to become a successful woman in business. I contribute my success to the people I have around me for support and guidance.

Realize your dream.
Hey there!
My name is Demetria and I work for Verizon in the Global Network and Technology division.
I am so excited to hear about your interest in choosing a STEM career! I can tell you that this industry can definitely benefit from your ideas and creativity.

You are strong and capable.
Hey there!
This is not a letter but just some powerful words of encouragement that I live by and would like to share to encourage you on your journey.
You are Strong and Capable.
Trust yourself to make wise choices.
You are never defeated, only resting before your next try.
Bad days aren’t forever.
Know your worth.
Good Luck and Have fun on this journey!

Crush your goals.
Hey there!
My name is Karen, I want to take this time to tell you how proud I am of you!
You choosing to be an innovator is amazing!! This journey may be challenging, but it will be so much more of a reward!!! I have faith that you will accomplish all your dreams and goals!!! It is Science, Technology, Engineering and Math that shape our society!!!

Learn all you can.
Hey there!
Please keep striving to learn all you can about coding and opening doors for the next generation of Tech Divas. Your work now I believe will have a global impact. I once took computer programming many years ago. Probably before many of you were born. I learned Basic and RPG II. Now stop laughing. I know they are obsolete. I am glad to know more females are interested in this technology.

Take advantage of STEM.
Please take advantage of taking a STEM career. You can learn all about computers, science, technology, engineering and math. It is a great opportunity for a bright future. I would like to see you. Have this wonderful chance to learn all you can. One day you could have your own computer business or have a huge job In the corporate world. I am so excited for you to have this chance for success.

Reach for the stars.
Hey there!
I think it is great that girls are interested in the area of STEM and I appreciate and encourage you to reach for the stars in the area of science, technology, education and math to help forge into the future.
All of the new technology surrounding AI I find fascinating. I wish you the best in your endeavors.

See your way through.
Hey there!
I’m Stephanie, proud mom of a young Black Girl and huge fan of this organization! First let me start by saying, Black Girls Rock! Congratulations on being part of an initiative that will help shape your future. Your adult self will look back on these moments, and be proud of the choices you are making. And so am I!

You can do anything.
Hey there!
My name is Julie and I am a Sr Engineer for Verizon Wireless. When I started my venture into the tech industry, there were only 1 or 2 girls in my Engineering classes and the teachers and the guys were not as supportive or helpful when I had questions so I learned to read books and study up on new technologies on my own and show them that girls are just as good as guys.

Anything is possible.
Hey there!
My name is Gary H., I want to take this time to tell you how proud I am of you! You choosing to be an innovator is amazing!! This journey may be challenging, but it will be so much more of a reward!!! I have faith that you will accomplish all your dreams and goals!!! It is Science, technology, Engineering and math that shape our society!!!
Never forget how important it is for you to show other girls of color that anything is possible!!!

Develop your ideas.
Hey there TechDiva!
Verizon is my employer. Someday can you imagine working for a company this BIG with over 140,000 people? WOW! My name is Patty M and my career has been very important to me. Your choice of STEM skills is AMAZING to develop. Skills are where it is at. We are working on a HUGE project to help the employees move their skills forward. What is amazing is you are already doing that with your STEM work.

Just keep going.
Hey there!
I wanted to provide you with some words of encouragement. My mom used always to tell me that I could be who and whatever I chose. Your life and journey are yours to drive. Take criticism but don’t let your mistakes define you; allow them to help influence your path. We must always strive to be great, and no one should be allowed to stop our sunshine. The journey may be challenging, the journey may have long, and the trip may have obstacles and bridges that block your path, but don’t let that discourage you. Let them define you as a strong woman who fought to get where you are. Don’t allow anything to stall your drive to be great. Don’t stand behind the car; push it, and if you can’t move it any longer, change the battery. Just keep going!

Never ever give up!
Hey there!
You are a rock star! I’m so happy to say that you have made one of the best choices for your bright future by participating in BGC. And now you are gearing up to spread your wings to fly – and I know you will fly really high up on that success ladder.
I’m so excited to see you embark on this exciting chapter of your life!
Wish you tons of best wishes and good luck for where you are today and thrilled for your bright future. Keep up with your hard work and willingness to try new things.

It won’t be long.
Hey Tech Diva!
WOW! What an awesome kid you are!! You took the right step by being part of BGC! You might think there is long struggling path ahead, but trust me it won’t be long before you come back and read this after having mastered life and academics like a rock star!
I’m 100% sure you are hard worker and we are so proud of you.
Remember that it is your drive and your willingness to learn which will bring you great success.
You are the best!! Good luck from your friend Shefali at Verizon.

Step into success.
Hey there Tech Diva!
I would like to say you are such a charming girl and we all are proud of you for taking this first step in your life by taking an interest in coding.
Life comes with challenges, but education and effort will bring you much success in life.
So congratulations on putting this first step forward and success is right around the corner!

Keep pushing forward.
Hey there TechDiva!
I would like to say keep pushing forward. You are the future and the future must be supported in the present. Just know your endeavors are helping pave a bright future for women and technology. Even though tech is gender neutral the workforce doesn’t clearly depict that fact. Please continue your growth and learning to ensure you remain a TechDiva!