Black Girls Code

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Some lessons I have learned.

Hey there!

I am reaching out to encourage you as you move through your journey of success in life. As an African American leader at Verizon, I have learned a lot in my career that has not only shaped who I am professionally by directly impacted my approach outside the four walls of Verizon.

Some of the lessons I have learned are as follows:

Any time you have the opportunity to speak and share your thoughts in a group setting… TAKE IT!

  • Your opinion and ideas matter.

  • Your voice is valuable.

  • Embrace the opportunity to impact a business outcome.

Be confident always. This is true even when you’re not.

  • Everyone makes mistakes, and learning from them allows you to grow.

If you happen to be the only one in the room that looks like you (skin color, gender, etc), that is a gift.

  • You have the advantage of standing out naturally

  • When you don’t blend in, you can command attention easier

Work harder than everyone else.

  • Not because you have to, but because you should.

  • Make it impossible for anyone to ignore you.

Have a S.Q.U.A.D. mentality

  • Skilled to handle your assignments.

  • Qualified to engage with anyone regardless of title or rank.

  • Unique in your approach. Don’t try to be anyone else.

  • Agility is embraced. Change is inevitable so be able to adapt quickly.

  • Determined to succeed, and have a meaningful impact on others.

Ultimately I encourage you to embrace your unique and unmatched value. Stay your authentic self and bring meaningful impact to those you are blessed with interacting with.

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