Use lists to keep track of your plan.
Hey there!
The possibilities are endless with a STEM career; these are the skills that pay bills!!
Here a few study tips to help you be wildly successful:
Organize a study area free of clutter and distractions
Keep a planner with due dates…complete work ahead of time
Attend and participate in class
Take copious notes by hand, and rewrite your notes in your own words
Ask questions; be curious…use your resources…ASK QUESTIONS!
Carve out time to study in intervals; take breaks from studying over days into manageable blocks of time; don’t cram
Have a study buddy…commit the time to study
Use index cards with the answers on the back; color code index cards
Fuel your brain…eat well balanced meals
Drink lots of water
Quiz yourself; make up your own test
Reward yourself
Use lists to keep track of your plan
Get enough sleep
Exercise in nature
Jeannette Epps, astronaut, said, “Anything you don’t know is going to be hard at first, but if you stay the course, put the time and effort in, it will become seamless eventually.”