Black Girls Code

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Understand what you are studying.

Hey there!

My name is Brittany & I work for Verizon Wireless. I would like to share some study tips and tricks with you.

  • Be/Get Organized.

  • Do not procrastinate.

  • Be passionate about who you are and what you do.

  • Take Notes.

  • Take that alone time whether it's stepping away from friends, social media, family etc.

  • Take those isolated trips that you need , even to get your studying done. It's called BALANCING.

  • Create a study plan that you are comfortable with.

  • Take breaks as needed, don't try to overload mind.

  • Understand what you are studying.

  • Sometimes, you may want to study with a friend/buddy but dont make it too personal.

  • Ask questions and get the help you need to be successful.

  • Eat healthy.

  • Exercise.

  • Drink lots of water.

I hope these were some successful tips and tricks. I wish when I was your age I had someone to share some helpful advice with me. I wish you all the best in whatever your career path holds. Glad I was able to be apart of this event.

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