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Never be afraid to ask for help. 

Hey there!

I’m writing to share some study tips that have helped me over the years.  Hopefully these tips will help you as well.

  • Remember to step away.  I have found that sometimes it’s possible to study too hard.  Sometimes I have felt like I need to sit down and study for hours on end.  However, it’s important to step away and take some breaks.  Not just for five minutes to grab a snack.  I mean take some time away.  Go for a walk.  Step outside for some fresh air.  Talk to a friend about a topic other than your work.  Then, when I come back to studying I feel refreshed and recharged.  Learning is much simpler for me after a break.

  • Break large studying tasks into smaller chunks.  If you are facing a huge challenge with a massive study load, take time up front to break it up into smaller chunks.  Then, give yourself a goal such as, “Today I’m going to finish up parts 1 and 2.”  You’ll feel good about accomplishing tasks and be able to accurately plot your timeline to finishing the entire assignment.  Measurable goals keep you on track and in the right frame of mind.

  • Never be afraid to ask for help.  If you feel stuck or maybe are just not understanding information as clearly as you’d like, take time to reach out - maybe a classmate, a friend, a teacher, a parent.  It’s ok to ask for help.  Sometimes just talking through something is enough to set the studying wheels in motion on a better path.  Just say the word.  Reach out - you’ll feel better in the end.

Well, there you go.  Three quick tips that have helped me greatly over the years when it comes to studying.  I wish you all the best in your future studying endeavors.


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