From a fellow tech diva.

Hey there!

My name is Sierra, and I am a fellow TechDiva! I work at Verizon as a Solutions Architect. Basically, I help small and medium-sized businesses find technical solutions that are a perfect fit for them. I actually just graduated from college recently, so I just wanted to give you a couple of school and study tips that really helped me out, especially because I was in a STEM major.

  • Use a planner/calendar- write out all of your assignments and any important dates

  • PRIORITIZE - if you have a lot to do, make sure that you are getting what is most important done first

  • Ask for help - your teachers are always there to support you, but if you don’t say anything, they can’t do that

  • Have good study partners - make sure that the people that work with you are always contributing to the conversation. The best study partners help teach each other

  • TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - If you don’t remember anything from my letter, please remember this. You can’t do your best work if you are not your best self. Remember to take breaks when studying and to remember your mental health. The brain is the strongest part of your body, so you have to nurture it

If you do these things, I promise that you will do amazing things!

Your friend at Verizon, Sierra

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The future in the field is bright.