The future in the field is bright.
Hey there!
My name is Wayne and I’m a Threat Intelligence Analyst with Verizon. I’ve been in the field of Cybersecurity for over 15 years.
I’m so pleased that you are interested in STEM. The future in the field is bright because of students like you.
When I was your age, I always worked to be the best student that I could be. However, sometimes my study habits were not very good. Luckily, I found some tips that helped me very much and I’d like to share them with you.
Manage your time. There are just 24 hours in each day. What you do with that time makes all the difference. Start using a daily planner. This could be a datebook you keep in your bag, an online version you maintain at home, or both. Manage your time wisely and you'll get the maximum out of each day.
Practice good study habits. Good study habits include these basics:
Always be prepared for class, and attend classes regularly.
Complete assignments thoroughly and in a timely manner.
Review your notes daily rather than cram for tests the night before.
Set aside quiet time each day for study -- even if you do not have homework or a test the next day.
Set attainable goals. It's important to set goals, as long as they are attainable. An attainable goal could be something like "I'll read one chapter of that coding book every day” (if the chapters are not too long).
Take good notes. You cannot possibly write down everything the teacher says since we talk at a rate of about 225 words per minute. But, you do need to write down the important material. Be sure to validate yourself after a test by going back over your notes to see if your notes contained the answers to questions asked on the test. If not, you need to ask to see a classmate's notes or check with the teacher for help on improving your note-taking. Studying with a partner may also a good idea (if he/she is a focused as you are). Note-taking should be in a form that's most helpful to you. If you are more of a visual person, try writing notes on different colored index cards. Re-writing your notes daily is another strategy. If you really have a problem with note-taking, you might ask your teacher if you can tape-record daily lessons. Do whatever it takes!
Be organized. Keeping yourself organized will save you valuable time and allow you to do everything you need to do. Remember: "A place for everything and everything in its place." Keep all your study materials (calculator, planner, books, notebooks, laptop, etc.) in one convenient location.
Be committed. When you start a course or a program, you need to complete it. Do your best and get the most out of it you can. Your commitment will pay off in the end. I believe in you and I know you can do it!
I wish you all the luck today and always and enjoy STEM as you learn more about the field. The field needs more students like you.
Take care,