Black Girls Code

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Exploring STEM and its benefits to humanity.

Hey there TechDiva!

Congratulations to you for exploring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Match). Hope this journey opens a world of wonders and a thousand many doors for you as it did for me. I have had a technology career for 22 years now. Every step of the way I learned new ways of creating something. For example…creating a website for our customers so they can make purchases online or collecting customer feedback from social media to understand how satisfied our customers are or launching products such as BlueJeans, Broadband, and 5G connectivity to large businesses. Overtime I have learned new technologies like Python coding, Big Data platforms like Hadoop, and developing data pipelines using Storm and Kafka. It is the passion to continuously learn and developing new skills to finding solutions for our customers.

Imagine how new technologies are changing the future of humanity. Self-driving cars are in testing, Drone technology is developing fast, electric cars are in the market, and robotic dogs might someday be used by US Army. Imagine what the future holds for you and how you shape the future of humanity by having a career in STEM. It is almost like creating something beautiful that betters humanity, saves our planet or allows humanity to stay connected despite the distances.

I am thrilled that after all these years in STEM, I continue to learn and grow and I am surrounded by all the other smart, beautiful and kind girl engineers who are doing the same. So how do you go about doing it …Talk to your school counselor and parents. You can also explore online classes on Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, Kahoot, and CreativeLive. These classes are free and you can do them at your own pace. Surround yourself with other TechDivas so you can not only learn from them but also help them. Helping, promoting and supporting each other.

I wish you all the best in this journey. You CAN DO IT!!!!

From: Another TechDiva

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