Don’t be afraid to try new things.

Hey there!

So I hear you like Science, Technology and Math (STEM)!  That’s terrific!  The world is an amazing place with so many interesting and unique challenges.  Through science and math, we can all learn the truth behind the universe’s rules and maybe how to cure a disease or actually reach the stars.  With technology, our world can be made a better place with new devices and applications which can help people to live their best life.

So where does this journey your on end up?  I can’t answer that, and maybe you can’t either at this moment, but the exciting thing is you get to decide where, when and how that journey progresses!  My advice is to not worry so much on the end goal, but on each step along the way.  If you do, each step will take you forward and lead you to where you need and want to be.  So don’t stress over it.  Decide what you like and what interests you.  Don’t be afraid to try new things, or even to try things you don’t think you’ll like as you may be surprised.  As you do this, you’ll pretty soon figure out what you want to do and then you just need to go for it.  Don’t let yourself or anyone else talk you out of your dreams and goals.  If things don’t work out exactly as you expect, that’s okay too.  If you continue to follow your hearts and dreams, you’ll be successful wherever that leads! 

I recently saw a quote that said “you don’t lose if you’re knocked down, you only lose if you don’t get back up”.  Everyone faces hurdles in their life and no one gets to where they want to be in a smooth, straight line.  Keep your eye on what you want and if you get knocked down remember that’s okay as long as you get back up.  We may never meet each other, but I hope you know I’m rooting for you and I know you’ll be the best you that you can be.

Good luck, study hard and enjoy your life’s journey!

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