This is a journey.

Hey There!

It is so encouraging to see more and more young women entering the engineering and coding work force.  There is always going to be a faction who has something negative to say, but that goes for anything. Some will stand and argue and others will just walk away. Whatever action you decide to take against negativity, please don’t let it be complicitous. You are going to make the future a better place, don’t let anyone steal that thunder.

Remember that this is a journey. Whatever career path you have chosen is going to have its triumphs and challenges. These hurdles will change your direction, maybe temporarily or direct you down a new road. Fear may stall you at times but always keep the courage to take that next step to explore and discover yourself.

I never would have thought at your age that I would be planning major networks for a telecommunications company.  My path was not a traditional one, although in today's environment college is a must. The military gave me the confidence to know that stereotypes are to be shattered, and I have more potential and intellect than I ever thought I had. 

As you move forward, be humble in yourself, as you can always learn something new from others. Be patient in your teachings and mentorships. Observe, listen and take the time to contemplate (not too long). As you probably have an ‘owl’ personality and tend to overthink things. Be confident in your decisions and not too proud to admit when you have made a mistake or error in judgment.

Good Luck in all your endeavors,


Senior Specialist

Verizon Telecom

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