Build strong relationships.

Hey There!

Let’s start by saying YOU ROCK! My name is Mario and I’m a Sr Supply Chain Analyst. I graduated from Georgia Southern University with a degree in Information Systems. My college experience was nothing short of challenging, fulfilling, and exciting. I believe everyone should walk the college campus and experience life as a college student to gain a better understanding of self.

As you start your journey, please know that you can achieve any and everything you want. I would encourage you to write down your vision and share it with a trusted advisor to help you along the way. Also, don’t be shy or afraid to ask for help and build strong relationships with those who share the same challenges as you as well as those whose perception might be a little different. This will only build on your networking and resources, while providing you different insight. I wish you the best and always remember YOU ROCK!

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Everything you do is a building block.