Be fierce in everything you do.

Hey there!

I am so very proud of you young ladies for taking the initiative and doing something amazing and overall great—as you all are amazing and overall great!! You all are special and have gifts inside of you that the world needs to see. With technology always changing so much and so fast we definitely need you all to bring that innovation, problem solving, and critical thinking to the forefront. The diversity and opportunities with choosing a career in STEM are unmatched. Because of the growing demand the career opportunities are almost limitless while providing a high degree of job security, and you learn more than one skill which opens up careers within so many sectors. It’s great to know that overall there is something for everyone. 

 I want you all too understand the importance of following your dreams and living without limitations. You all are “fearfully and wonderfully made.’ The extra bonus is being a brown-skinned girl!  With that being said, please remember all of the wonderful black women who paved a way in STEM.  Dorothy Lavina Brown  was the first African American female surgeon; Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first African American woman to become a physician and Mary Jackson was NASA's first  African American female engineer…and all of these ladies were before our time! Did they face obstacles, detours, racial and gender biases? Well of course they did but what set them apart was that they used that as the fuel to keep them going. I want you all to be fierce in everything you do from here on out. Be great set goals and manifest all you want in this life because it is already yours. Believe in yourselves—you got this!

Marcus w/ Verizon

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Your point of view is important.


Be sure to set goals for yourself.