Black Girls Code

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Use your technology to help with your studying.

Hi there,

I thought I’d share a favorite tip I use to capture notes and easily find areas in my notes when I need to go back and review things. This can be used to help study.

When your in class, assuming you are using a laptop with Microsoft Notes, you can create a virtual notebook for each subject. It automatically captures the date, you can name the tabs for each topic and type in your notes. If you need to search on a subject or name, simply type it in the search bar and it finds that information through your whole set of notes. I’ve found it really helpful when you need to refer back to comments or data points.

Use your technology to help with your studying so that everything is at your fingertips.

Good luck and keep moving forward. Even when your unsure or having a moment where your confidence is not the highest, keep your focus on your goal. When your wrong, its not the end of the world, learn from it, it just adds to your knowledge and what better way to learn than to learn from a mistake.

Good Luck.


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