Black Girls Code

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Remember you are capable of more than you’ll ever know.

Hey there!

Wow, what a great time to be learning and growing in your STEM journey. As you continue on your path, it's important to pause from time to time and reevaluate your study skills and habits. Here are just a few that have worked for me in the past and I hope you find them helpful as well.

● Study Groups - I realize there are times when study groups would not be the ideal choice; however, there are times when bouncing ideas off others and collective learning would be beneficial. There is power in numbers and when we open ourselves to learning from others we are more powerful than we ever dreamed.

● Get Stuff Done Early - I prefer to get work completed or at least started when the assignment is given. I find that ideas are fresh in my mind and I want to harness those ideas. This is where outlines can be your friend. Even if you don’t complete the task right away, take the time to write an outline of your thoughts and plans for

completing the task. Even if you have to set the task aside for some time before completing it, your outline will help you come back to center and get you back on track.

● Flashcards are your friend - This might seem old school but I am a true believer that word association can increase your ability to recall. In addition, writing something down can increase your brain activity and promote recall as well. So, it's a win-win situation. You can use these alone or with your study group.

● Take time to decompress - Unlike the things you create, you are not a robot. 😀 Remember to take personal time to relax, get out in nature, play a sport, laugh with friends, dance around the house...whatever fuels your soul and brings joy to you. Mediation is another great way to unwind and there are so many benefits. Check out some resources online.

These are just a few suggestions to help you create good study habits. I wish you all the success in your journey. Oh and when things get tough, rough or you get stuck...remember you are capable of more than you’ll ever know. Smile... you got this!!

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