Take good notes in class and keep your course materials organized.

Hey there!

I am a female Product Manager in the telecom industry. Study habits that I developed early have proved to be invaluable. At the beginning of a school year or course, take the time to determine when key assignments are going to be due, if you know this in advance. Look at a calendar and see if you have overlap between assignments for different courses that could cause you to run into time constraints. It is good to identify this early so that you can plan for it and complete each assignment to the best of your ability.

Take good notes in class and keep your course materials organized. Don’t be afraid to ask questions in class or go for extra help. Rather than showing weakness, this let’s your teachers know that you are engaged in the course and want to understand more. I think you’ll find that most teachers are willing to help!

Give yourself sufficient time to prepare. When I had to take a test, I started my preparation several days in advance. I would read through my notes and other material, and make a study guide of my own. Depending upon the subject matter, I often copied my notes into a different document and studied from that. Given that I completed my formal education before we could use computers to take notes, I made by study guide by hand, and found that I really absorbed the material that way. Find what works best for you. Also, I did LOTS of practice problems! I know, sounds like fun, but it is helpful!

Following some habits like this will help to relieve the stress and help you to perform at your best! Good luck! You’ve got this!

Best regards,

A Supporter

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Take notes and review your notes.


Learning and studying can take such a toll on our mental health.