Black Girls Code

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Put in the extra effort.

Hey There!

I would like to take a moment to write about a school tip that has carried me through my school and professional career.  The guiding principle that I have utilized is the more you put into it, the more you get out.  It doesn’t matter whether you are playing a sport, studying for school, or in your professional career, this principle will serve you well.  It is easy to go through life by just doing enough to get the job done, however if you want to excel at anything you are doing, you will need to put in the extra effort.  If you have a future dream or goal then this is a great way to accomplish them.  I know there are many competing interests that take up your time but if you keep focus on what you want to accomplish and work hard towards it then you will be successful.  

There are two things that you can control in your life:  your attitude and your work ethic.  No matter what else happens, you can always control these two things.  Some people may have more “talent” however only you can control how much effort you put into something.

One of my favorite quotes is “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”

Keep this philosophy in mind as you navigate through school and life and it will treat you well.

Good Luck!

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