Study tips & tricks

Block out time on your weekly calendar to study.
Hey there!
First I want to start off congratulating you all on your accomplishments. What you girls are doing is significant and we are so proud of you all! I wanted to share some study tips that have carried me through my career. First, you want to make a study schedule. Block out time on your weekly calendar to study. This could include reading assignments, reviewing concepts, or preparing for an exam. Then do your best to stick to the schedule. Next, take notes right away!

Seek help from your seniors.
Hey there!
I am Raja. I have been working in Information Technology from last 18 years. I did my Master of Science in Information Technology from Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA. I am from poor family from India. We came out of poverty because of my STEM education. I have come this far to USA is because of my STEM education in Engineering field. I witnessed all my classmates girls and boys in my Engineering College are having fabulous career and life.

Create and maintain great study habits.
My name is Sean Curry and I am currently operating in the role of an Associate Director here at Verizon. I have 26 years with Verizon and over 28 years in the industry of Telecommunication/Communications. I wanted to share with you a few things that I hope will help you in you along your journey of STEM career preparation.

Enjoy each milestone of the journey.
Hey there!
Congrats on pursuing a STEM career. You will have an amazing journey as you set yourself up for a successful and rewarding future. There are endless resources available to support you along the way…here at Verizon as well as in the BCG ecosystem.

Don’t be afraid to fail.
Hey there!
My name is Dave and I have 26 years of experience in the tech industry. I want to provide you with a few tips and tricks to help you when studying and retaining the learning you will be exposed to throughout your STEM journey or honestly, any career or educational journey.

Study in quiet place.
Hey there,
A few studying tips I have to provide is stay focus, try and take great notes, and also its always great to do studying in quiet place so that you’re able to retain the information that you’re reviewing. These steps have always helped me and I know that it would help you as well.

Plan your day and balance your priorities.
Hey there!
I would like to congratulate you for your interest in continuing your education. As you know, as a fellow Black woman, education is crucial and will provide you with a foundation to build a solid future and keep you well grounded. Some important things to remember as you embark upon your stem career is to develop excellent study habits.

Find a group of people that you can study with.
Hey there!
I wanted to give you some study tips and tricks as that hopefully will be helpful as you pursue careers in technology. I focused on STEM subjects in school and deal with Technology in my job.
Focusing on Science and Technology in school can be very difficult as these subjects require a lot of work. The key is to balance your time so that you can spend time studying but also enjoying time with friends and other activities.

Take notes and review your notes.
Hey there!
Congratulations on your decision to learn more about STEM!
I simply want to encourage you to study, review, and study even more!
You've made a great decision to become a BGC student, now, ensure that you fully benefit from what BGC has to offer you by studying and becoming the Best BGC student.

Take good notes in class and keep your course materials organized.
Hey there!
I am a female Product Manager in the telecom industry. Study habits that I developed early have proved to be invaluable. At the beginning of a school year or course, take the time to determine when key assignments are going to be due, if you know this in advance. Look at a calendar and see if you have overlap between assignments for different courses that could cause you to run into time constraints. It is good to identify this early so that you can plan for it and complete each assignment to the best of your ability.

Learning and studying can take such a toll on our mental health.
Hey there!
Welcome to your STEM journey. As you continue on your path, it's important to take time for yourself and to clear your mind. Learning and studying can take such a toll on our mental health.
Prioritize - It is so important to actually have a plan. Planning what you’re going to study and when. Will help take the stress off of whatever the task or project is. It’s easier to break things down instead of just jumping all in.

Studying hard will help you perfect your craft.
Hey There,
I am inspired your interest coding. I am excited to see you realize your dreams. I am impressed by your ambition to create technology innovations and the part you will play in revolutionizing the technology industry. I am very impressed by the initiatives in place and upcoming programs that will help you develop. You can be anything that you want to be and you have this.

Study, learn, you can do anything if you set your mind to it!
Hey there!
I worked for Verizon, a Telecommunication company. I’m currently a Sr. Manager in Business Transformation. Our work focuses on the issues the business is facing and finding creative solutions, oftentimes, that requires we change the ways we do business so we can improve efficiency and cut out waste.

Find a buddy whenever possible.
My name is Alexa and I studied Computer Science in college! Now a few years later, I manage an awesome team of people at a technology company. I remember how often in my college days I was one of a few women in my coding classes, and often the only woman of color. It sometimes made me feel like I was in the wrong place! I often felt like I had to work even harder than my classmates to prove I should be there. Looking back, I am so happy that I lived through that discomfort because I love my job, I love my life, and I love how fun programming is!

Take advantage of all opportunities to volunteer and join clubs.
Hey there!
My name is Tim. I work with Verizon Communications. I have worked for this company for over 30 years. I have had so many opportunities to advance my career. Our company is focused on giving back to younger people, who will be the future of our company.

Don’t be discouraged by setbacks.
Hey there!
I hope these advice and tips will help you along the way.
Embrace Failure: Failure is a natural part of learning and growth. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks; instead, view them as opportunities for improvement.
Develop Resilience: STEM fields can be challenging, but perseverance is key. Cultivate resilience to overcome obstacles and keep pushing forward.
Stay curious: Cultivate a lifelong curiosity and passion for learning. The most successful STEM professionals are often those who remain curious and open- minded.

Ask alot of questions.
Hello, BGC team!
I wanted to write to you to share some quick tips and general advice to help you on your journey as you explore STEM and develop into a talented and thriving member of society. The fact that you’re in BGC and thinking about your future is a HUGE first step that will help put you on the right path to hopefully have a long and successful career in your desired field and industry.

Never be afraid to ask for help.
Hey there!
I’m writing to share some study tips that have helped me over the years. Hopefully these tips will help you as well.
Remember to step away. I have found that sometimes it’s possible to study too hard. Sometimes I have felt like I need to sit down and study for hours on end. However, it’s important to step away and take some breaks.

Be your best self which will always shine through.
Hey There!
I feel I must encourage girls and young women who want to get involved and contribute to the betterment of our world. I strongly believe in women helping women and we all at some point were inspired by a woman so as you venture on your journeys do not feel defeated if people have perceived notions of who they think you are but it is your responsibility to be your best self which will always shine through. I’m super proud and honored to have this opportunity and I know that with all that’s available you can achieve anything.

It is important that you learn how to study.
Hey There!
I am Melanie A working for Verizon Communications Company. I am honored to have the opportunity to share a quick word with you on study tips and tricks.
Studying is an important skill needed not just for school, but for your everyday life. It will help you to increase your knowledge and build your understanding of whatever it is that you may need. For school, it will help you grasp important concepts and do well on assessments and in your professional life it will help you decide on the field and place that you may want to find employment. Once you are out of school, homework does not end. It is important that you learn how to study and do it often.