Get inspired

Remember your passions.
My name is Alexa and I studied Computer Science in college! Now a few years later, I manage an awesome team of people at a technology company. I remember how often in my college days I was one of a few women in my coding classes, and often the only woman of color. It sometimes made me feel like I was in the wrong place! I often felt like I had to work even harder than my classmates to prove I should be there. Looking back, I am so happy that I lived through that discomfort because I love my job, I love my life, and I love how fun programming is!

Nothing can stop you.
Hey there!
My name is Melissa and I am with Verizon Communications. I am coming up on my 25th anniversary of being with the company. I wanted to reach out and send a note of encouragement because as a woman, we can face different challenges then men in the “real world”.

Passion with a purpose.
Hello Future Female Leader of the Universe,
You are making such a huge difference in the world today with all of your contributions to the world today and please know how awesome you are to everyone around you. When thinking about your future and both personal and professional dreams and aspirations, please know that you have so limitless options to begin thinking about what you would like to do when you grow up. The options are limitless when you think about a future career in STEM are so encouraging and allows you so many different and exciting career fields to choose from. These different career options will allow you to pursue career options to so many other fields and gives you the ability to diversify into many other fields.

Accomplish all your dreams.
Hey There!
My name is Kevin, I want to take this time to tell you how proud I am of you!
You choosing to be an innovator is amazing!! This journey may be challenging, but it will be so much more of a reward!!! I have faith that you will accomplish all your dreams and goals!!! It is Science, technology, Engineering and math that shape our society!!!

Build strong relationships.
Hey There!
Let’s start by saying YOU ROCK! My name is Mario and I’m a Sr Supply Chain Analyst. I graduated from Georgia Southern University with a degree in Information Systems. My college experience was nothing short of challenging, fulfilling, and exciting. I believe everyone should walk the college campus and experience life as a college student to gain a better understanding of self.

Everything you do is a building block.
Hey There!
I am so proud of you for making the space and time to proactively develop yourself into an outstanding career. A STEM career is such a fulfilling experience. It’s like seeing your muscle grow after you consistently exercise - you might not always feel up to it but when you apply your discipline and you see the results - WOW!

Forge into the future.
Hey there!
GIRLS ROCK!!!!! Having the skills to communicate in computer language is a universal Girl Power right and global community responsibility. Thank you for forging into the future. A Verizon V Teamer-Mz Patt

Surround yourself with the best.
Hey There!
As a Black Girl who works in technology, surround yourself with positive women who want the best for you. You need a cheerleader. You need a coach. You need someone to challenge you. You need someone to change you. If they cannot be there for you in your growing season. Then they cannot be there for you in your glowing season. You are meant to be here so continue to walk in your path

One step closer to learning more.
Hey There!
As a Black Girl who works in technology, I know it may be challenging but asking for help is the first step. Don’t be afraid that you won’t get your answer. What if you do? You are one step closer to learning more! Keep asking those questions and do not stop!

Do not be afraid to speak up.
Hey There!
As a Black Girl who works in technology, do not be afraid to ask that question! Do not be afraid to speak up! Do not be afraid to strut your stuff! You got this! It is your time to shine!

Learn all you can.
Hey there!
Congratulations and keep reaching for the stars. Please learn all you can on coding and reach levels never known to womankind., Learn all you can, share all you can and become great in this world. I wish you the best that life has to offer.

Keep challenging yourself.
Hey There!
My name is Shanti. I started my career in the IT world but I took a different career path. Stem is leading the way for young girls. I believe when given the right tools early you will have the power to develop your own identity destiny in the STEM program.

Change happens all around you.
Hey There!
Congratulations upon embarking upon a challenging and rewarding career path!
Technology is a field that will never go out of style, and will always remain relevant. Tech-savvy Divas know that to succeed in technology, they continue to learn new skills, and replace old skills with new ones, because technology, like the knowledge and skills you accumulate, is ever-changing!

Be Authentic.
Hey There!
What an amazing time we live in! Technology is growing faster than ever imagined and will continue to move the world forward. This letter is intended to bestow some key things I’ve learned to help you succeed in a STEM World!

Don’t give up.
Hey There!
I’m Priyadharsini, from India. I'm working in Verizon and I'm interested in taking part in volunteer opportunities. This is one of my favorite programs for me personally. I’m interested in motivating people and helping them in the way they wish to have their guidance.

Be strong.
Hey There!
You have made a great choice pursuing a career in the Technology field. This is sure to be an exciting time and I wish you the very best. Be strong and stay focused, the sky's the limit. You will encounter some obstacles but just follow your heart, keep forging ahead and you will overcome them. You are smart, driven, tenacious and worthy of the great things that are in your future.

Make it happen.
Hey There!
I am so excited that you are taking early steps in owning your career; some folks do not start until later on. So congratulations to you on your motivation and willingness to put yourself out there in the STEM field. As a TechDiva you certainly have an advantage in a career where leaders like myself are looking to build our diverse teams and find it hard to locate the female STEM pool; so keep at it.

You can accomplish anything.
Hey There!
I want you to know that you are capable of accomplishing anything that you desire in this world. Do not let the fear of failure, rejection or the unknown keep you from reaching your goals. When challenges come your way, breathe, stay focused, and ask for help. Keep your head up and walk worthy while you are out there!

Opportunities have never been better.
Hey There!
I am excited to know that you are ready to step up and lead your generation in a science or technical career. The opportunities have never been better for young people like you to achieve what others only dreamed of only a few generations ago.

Make a difference in the world.
Hey There!
Writing to you today about Engineering and future Engineers. I’d see people not very excited about their field of work, but not with Engineers. I have always marveled at how engineers solve real-world problems. I am hoping to get this multiplier effect, and that’s how you make the world a better place. Hoping that kids will go out and be engineers, doctors, teachers, plumbers and lawyers and have this experience that someone cared about them. And that gives them the same belief system about making a difference in the world.